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To increase partipation in the forums we will have contests from time to time. To win you must be a member of the Perry Research Forums, which is free, and actively participate in the forums to gain points. Points are gained by posting topics, commenting on topics, and helping other researchers in the forums. Don't spam to get points though, it will be a waste of time because a moderator can simply delete bad posts and take the points away.
Prizes in these contests will range from something like books by Perry authors to something in the $200-$300 range! Contests and prizes will be listed here, in the news section, and the member's section.
Prizes in these contests will range from something like books by Perry authors to something in the $200-$300 range! Contests and prizes will be listed here, in the news section, and the member's section.
Contests :: Comments
The DNA test was not awarded to anyone due to lack of participation, but a volunteer did eventually receive the test kit and successfully found a match! Another contest will start this July, details coming soon, so start participating in the forums to win!
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